Your display should be black though the black ground image shall remain the same at most times. You now have a very own dark-themed look. Here you would have two options: Light and Dark. Go down till you see the “ choose you app mode” option.In here, loom for the option which sys colors option in the left side panel, click it.After this click on “ personalization”.In the first step, you need to go to “ settings”, either search for this or click on the “ gear icon”, located on the start menu.All you need to do is follow the steps below and get one working like charm: How to Switch Windows 10 Into Dark Mode Without a Theme Nost Metro – #1 Free Dark Mode Theme for Windows 10.Hover Dark Aero – Perfect for Night Owls.DarkGrey Windows 10 Theme v2 – Best Dark Theme for Windows 10.Ades Dark Theme – Ultimate Dark Edition.List of 10 Best Windows 10 Dark Themes (Free Download).How to Switch Windows 10 Into Dark Mode Without a Theme.